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RE: Capability Negotiation for OCP

2003-04-21 11:13:25

On Mon, 21 Apr 2003, Reinaldo Penno wrote:

We are having discussions on capability negotiation in the PANA WG also. I
thought on copying their required functionality here to see if we need this
in OCP. PAA and PAC are the peers.


Pac <-- Paa: i support x,y and z
Pac --> Paa: i would like to use y

Pac --> Paa: enable x
Pac <-- Paa: status (ok, failed)

Pac <-- Paa: you must use y
Pac --> Paa: status (ok, failed)

Pac --> Paa: what do you support?
Pac <-- Paa: i support x,y and z

These are very similar to what the current OCP draft has. These kind
of questions/answers come from the general "negotiation"
definition/meaning. What you posted on the list a few days ago is,
essentially, a _mechanism_ to implement some (or all) of the above:

        --> let's use x, y, or z
        <-- let's use x OR failure

Specifically, there is virtually no difference between B and C because
"enable" and "use" are pretty much the same verbs in this context.
There is also little difference between A and B because if the "I
support" list is limited to "x", than that option is likely to be
selected/used/enabled. I already asked you a "design" question related
to this little difference: are we negotiating options used by one side
or communication parameters (sued by both sides)? Item D is just a
question of how the dialog is structured.

In short, once you add more specifics to your scheme and answer
already pending questions, we should be able to see wither A-D are
already supported by the mechanism you are working on.


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