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RE: Strawman OPES Charter

2004-07-13 04:42:39

See inline.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Rousskov [mailto:rousskov(_at_)measurement-factory(_dot_)com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 1:58 AM
To: Markus Hofmann
Cc: OPES Group
Subject: Re: Strawman OPES Charter


In addition, the WG will define one or more methods for specifying 
rules that enable application endpoints to control the execution of 
OPES services. These methods are purely for controlling the 
of services. They are not aimed at implementing the actual services.

The reference to "application endpoints [controlling] the 
execution of OPES services" confuses me. It seems to imply 
that endpoints are controlling the execution of services. We 
usually say that endpoints authorize the execution of 
services (and may supply the rules), but execution is done by 
the OPES dispatcher.

--- abbie 

Also, "purely for ... invocation" may be read as "and not for 
selection of which services to invoke".

Finally, can we be more precise than "methods for specifying 
rules"? Do we really intend to specify more than one method? 
Can it be anything other than some sort of configuration 
language like IRML or P?

How about:

  In addition, the WG will define a configuration language to
  control OPES dispatcher selection and execution of OPES services.
  Defining language(s) for implementing OPES services is out of the WG

--- abbie
agree, we need to be specific here.

The working group will have a design goal that the methods be 
compatible with existing policy work within the IETF (e.g. 
IETF Policy 
Framework) and be able to interface with systems automating 
distribution of policies to multiple endpoints. It will be out of 
scope for this WG to develop the policy framework and specify 
multiple-endpoint policy distribution.

The group's new work items can be listed as:

- Define a SMTP profile to supplement OCP core.

To partially address SMTP agent concerns, how about:

  - Define a SMTP profile(s) to supplement OCP core.

- Define specification method(s) and rules for controlling
   invocation of OPES services operating on HTTP/SMTP

-- abbie 


I would also consider changing the deadlines to OCT04. It 
does not take long to publish a draft. Some even consider the 
deadlines like the first one above meaningless because the 
"initial document" can be a placeholder, but we can play the 
game and have an extra "Done" on our record.

--- abbie
agree, but no games here. the imnitial document is a place holder.


Other concerns:

Would it be appropriate to mention that the rules work will 
be based on P language specification that WG has already 
worked on? Or are we going to re-select among P, IRML, and 
others as a starting point?

If we are going to re-select, should we start with a 
"language requirements" document?

-- abbie
obsultly, yes we should do a requirement document.

Even if not based on P, OPES rules language is likely to have 
modules/parts that are application protocol specific (e.g., 
SMTP and HTTP modules). Are we implying that the WG will 
specify those modules for HTTP and SMTP? Are we implying that 
the WG will specify those modules inside a single "OPES rules 
language" specification? I think those modules should be 
described separately from the language itself. Like "C and 
stdlib" or "Java and J2EE". Can/should we reflect that in the Charter?

-- abbie
yes, we need to be as specific as we can.

Finally, are the following items in scope?

      - Defining how available services become known
        to the rules language interpreter? (At least
        OCP-speaking services)

-- abbie
yes, even if we state that is hard coded (in the least case)

      - Defining an interface between rules language
        and service (at least OCP-speaking service)
        How to pass parameters to services? How to
        get the result of service application, including
        errors, back to the language/program?

--- abbie
this is a muddy situation. we can rely on other work or at least reference
how they handel it (examples, BPEL, CDL etc..)

-- abbie

other objectives:

1. Security for OCP, should we mention that the group might attempt to do
that as part of the charter or not. It can be a MAY deleiverable.

2. Need to ensure that IAB requirements are still applicable to any new
protocol we address. This MUST be in the charter. Our previous work
addressed the general acrhitcecture but has focused on HTTP.

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