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Re: email standards proposal for 'bulk' mail

2003-10-20 11:45:44

At 1:57 PM -0400 10/20/03, Keith Moore wrote:

Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the list.

IMHO, This definitely needs to be taken up in IETF. 
Is it too late to get a BOF on this in Minneapolis?

Maybe. But, regardless, they haven't asked us for one, and none of 
the principals there are IETF regulars. They have their own 
closed-door meetings; it seems a tad rude for us to preempt them.

It seems more than a tad rude for them to try to circumvent IETF
in an area (email standards) that is traditionally IETF territory
There are some good ideas in their document; there are also some
seriously dubious ones that at the very least need justification.

My suggestion is that we lobby them to turn their proposals into one 
or more Internet Drafts and open their discussion. If they are 
amenable to that, we can probably move forwards easily. They have 
another meeting coming up in January; we could shoot for that as a 
discussion forum.

I'd love to seem them submit Internet-Drafts and open the discussion.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act.                      -- George Orwell