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Re: SendMail follows a NO RETRY 5yz logic as defined by specs.

2008-08-12 02:32:01

Hi Hector, when I wrote...

I'm far too lazy to find a source and check this

...I meant that I'm too lazy, not "send me the code".

But now that you've done, please look into lines
3399 and 3400 of deliver.c:

| if (i == EX_TEMPFAIL)           
|         to->q_state = QS_RETRY; 

This happens for i != EX_OK after (in line 3372):

| i = smtprcpt(to, m, mci, e, ctladdr, xstart);
These three lines are outside of # if PIPELINING

Clearly there must be some code dealing with
RCPT 2/4/5, please check that, too.

=> please check lines 3372, 3399, and 3400 again.
