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Re: draft-daboo-srv-email

2010-01-08 01:17:24

Hector Santos <hsantos(_at_)santronics(_dot_)com> writes:

2) What about outgoing?

Are MX records considered the solution?

Using GMAIL as an example, I think it only allows IMAP for receiving and
SUBMIT (port 587) for sending.  So wouldn't a SRV record be useful for
the case where SMTP is used for outgoing when the incoming uses IMAP?

As a site where, for various load-balancing, administrative, and
configuration complexity reasons, our outgoing mail servers for clients
are entirely distinct from the inbound servers holding the MX records of
the domain, I would love to see a SRV record for clients to locate
outbound SMTP servers.

Russ Allbery (rra(_at_)stanford(_dot_)edu)             

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