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Re: [ietf-smtp] EHLO domain validation requirement in RFC 5321

2020-09-27 19:18:33
On 9/27/2020 4:15 PM, Keith Moore wrote:
On 9/27/20 6:00 PM, Dave Crocker wrote:

gosh, Keith.  Don't you consider 95% spam in email over the Internet to be a degradation worthy of attention?

Of course I do, but ONLY if the degradation due to spam filtering is part of the picture.

Please provide documentation that the people running serious email platforms do not already include that factor in their decision-making.

Simple suggestion:  Since you take considerable exception to common email anti-abuse practices, how about providing a detailed plan for an alternative approach and demonstrate its efficacy?

Simple suggestion:   Why don't you stop pretending that this isn't a problem?   Or maybe, stop trying to change the subject any time this gets uncomfortable?

Please provide documentation that I have said it isn't a problem.

As for changing the subject, I am indeed trying to alter it. I would to move its treatment in this forum from standalone, idealistic and apparently-uninformed statements of impractical absolutes to, instead, acknowledging the balancing act this is inherent in any real-world, imperfect analysis process of human behavior, such as email.

My usual reference to such tradeoffs is Type I vs. Type II.



Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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