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Re: IETF logistics

2000-12-19 09:30:03
At 09:28 AM 12/19/00 -0500, RJ Atkinson wrote:
We can also end the de facto practice of 
using the sessions as tutorials and discontinue fancy prepared
presentations of the material already in the I-Ds.  While 
tutorials are a fine thing, they are appropriate for USENIX
or Interop, not IETF WG sessions, IMHO.

I tried doing this in my area when I was on the IESG.
It didn't work. The chairs and attendees want this stuff.

       Further, I'd suggest that each area would have the
option (discretion of the relevant ADs) of having a single 
Area Meeting someplace.  This would last only perhaps 2 days.
It could be held at a rather larger number of venues
(due to smaller attendance)

I do not believe that this would work. Too many people
just go to see what's going on and be there in case
"something important" happens. If you have a 
meeting, they will go.

I believe that the only choices are
- limit attendance to "the right people" or
- accept the tourists and panda-watchers and
  that the IETF meeting has evolved.

Frank Kastenholz

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