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Re: IETF logistics

2000-12-20 22:00:04
On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 14:41:43 CST, Pete Resnick said:
Nonsense. Leaving aside BOFs (which I do think are different), I defy 
you to give me one example where a presentation is the right thing to 
do in a WG face-to-face meeting. Presentations can either be done in 
written form (on the mailing list or by way of an Internet Draft) or 
can be saved for some other venue (like Comdex). Working Groups 
*work*. What justification is there for *ever* giving a presentation 
in a WG face-to-face meeting?

Hmm... not being a WG attendee I hate to ask, but.. ;)

I assume that by "Presentations", you mean "tutorial presentations",
and not "Gee George, your proposal on the mailing list looks novel
and interesting, but we're not getting it, could you take 10 mins
in the WG meeting and explain it more fully" presentations?

I know that there's been many times on WG mailing lists that I've
been unsure whether (a) I was an idiot for not understanding a
proposal, or (b) the proposal itself was a bad idea, or (c) the
proposal was a good idea being lost in the translation to ones
and zeros for transmission over the wires.

And in retrospect, I've seen my share of all 3. ;)

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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