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Re: When presentations are a good idea (Re: IETF logistics)

2000-12-22 10:40:02
At 07:36 AM 12/22/00 +0100, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
Sometimes presentations are good. If they leave plenty of time to talk about them.

OK, but let's talk about that. Presentations should open and guide discussion: present the issues that need to be hashed out, propose and explain approaches, and generally lead the working group towards useful consensus. If we were handfuls of engineers, we would use white boards to hash out ideas; in groups of 500, you need something you can project to accomplish the same thing. Presentations are that engineer's white board; they should contribute to the discussion, but not replace it.

What we unfortunately commonly find is presentations *instead*of* discussion. That's what people are being concerned about and saying is wrong.

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