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Re: Any value in this list ?

2001-08-01 23:40:03
On Thu, 02 Aug 2001 07:29:03 +0200, Anthony Atkielski said:
no, it's more like blaming automobile manufacturers
for producing cars whose brakes fail when used normally.

No, it's more like blaming automobile manufacturers for brakes that don't 
themselves when the driver is too stupid to apply them himself.

It's more like blaming the users for failing to put chocks under
the tires because they fail to realize that just because the
stick is in the PARK position, the car may shift to DRIVE under
some circumstances not under direct obvious control of the
driver (say, if 3 red pickup trucks in a row drive by).

And *ANY* system that attempts to  interpret 'image/jpeg' as *ANYTHING* other
than image data is just WAITING to pop into DRIVE.


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