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Re: Making the IETF meeting network more representative of the real world

2001-08-09 08:20:04
if we're going to make the IETF network representative of the real world,
perhaps we should block outgoing traffic to port 25 and incoming traffic
to port 80 also, since real world ISPs are doing this.  perhaps we should 
also block multicast, since most ISPs don't support it.  or maybe we should
have all incoming traffic sent through a firewall which corrupts that
traffic, since that's also common in the real world.  and we should
limit everyone to 56k of bandwidth since most users are still on v.90
modems (or worse).  and we should hire folks to monitor usage to make
sure that no IETF participants are using the net inappropriately, since 
that is what many employers do.

I understand the desire to have IETF folks understand the real world.
but most of us already understand that the real world is severely broken.
our (very difficult) task is to make it less broken.

maybe instead of trying to reinforce current notions of the "real world",
our goal should instead be to expose IETF participants to what the net 
*could* be like if we solved some of these (very real) problems.
