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Re: example .procmailrc stuff for announce lists

2001-11-23 14:50:03
From: Pete Resnick <presnick(_at_)qualcomm(_dot_)com>

So let me get this straight: I (and the folks desiring this service 
who have said so publicly and the other, I suspect much larger, bunch 
who have not said so publicly) should go out and get a PC and spend 
the time configuring and maintaining sendmail and procmail (instead 
of my simple though admittedly less powerful Macintosh SMTP server) 
so that the secretariat can avoid the one time investment of setting 
up two lists on the majordomo server that they're already running to 
receive the two sets of mail they're already sending and thereby cut 
down on the total number of messages sent. I'm just dying to know 
under what cost-benefit analysis the former is better than the 
latter. Heck, I'll tell you what: I'll get together with Steve Coya 
in Salt Lake City and over a beer or two help him create the two new 
lists so that we're not "demanding" any "extra service from others 
who receive no payment". In what world is reinventing the wheel 
multiple times a good idea? ...

It's funny how those who want to tax others always find good and
sufficent reasons.  The notion that what might get done over a beer
or two has anything to do with the actual work of creating and
maintaining a mailing list is not funny...well, unless one is still
amused by the hoary old observation that talk is cheap and that many
people don't understand the difference between talk and action.

I'm sorry to be offensive, but I am offended by the claim that a mailing
list might be created and maintained "in Salt Lake City and over a beer
or two."  Fiddling with sendmail, majordomo, mailman, majordomo, etc. is
not rocket science, but it's a lot more than bar stool talk.  Such a
claim is worse than the ever popular IETF idea that writing an RFC
is tantamount to designing, implementing, and deploying a protocol.

Besides, if I were in Mr. Coya's position, I'd be insulted by the
suggestion that I'd could use such a bar stool talking to in order to 
create the additional lists.

Besides, it has already been more than "attempted" by a third party.

Well, not yet. But as soon as Bruce goes and sets this up, I will 
certainly be subscribing to his lists (thank you Bruce!).

So where's the beef? 
Why does the IESG need to do anything within the next 6 months, if ever?

Vernon Schryver    vjs(_at_)rhyolite(_dot_)com