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Re: [idn] Re: 7 bits forever!

2002-04-02 12:20:03
That is, if we start thinking about "8+ everywhere" instead of "ACE
everywhere" scenario, then how we can get there from here.

Same question: if you have a non-backwards-compatible server, how do 
get people to use it?

Non-backwards-compatible server? A server that wont handle ASCII and only
handles UTF8... : >

No, a nameserver that won't handle the original form of DNS.  The original 
DNS packet format obviously can't cope with 8-bit labels, so a server that 
sent native UTF-8 in its replies (or a resolver that sent native UTF-8 in 
its queries) would break compatibility.

|John Stracke                    |Principal Engineer     |
|jstracke(_at_)incentivesystems(_dot_)com   |Incentive Systems, Inc.|
| |My opinions are my own.|
|What do you mean, *you're* a solipsist?                 |

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