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Re: DNS based URI without any set access semantics?

2002-07-25 11:23:57
On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 12:07:19PM -0400, Michael Mealling wrote:
| >
| >   dnsurn://
| >
| It sounds like you want the 'duri' namespace currently going through the
| process. It was written by Larry Masinter and is currently here:
| The URN is of the form: urn:duri:<date>:<encoded-URI>

Thanks Michael.   This looks a bit too noisy for me; I'm just
looking for something that I can replace "http" with no other
changes to that the duck stops quacking.   This proposal is
very noisy and probably woudn't be adopted by XMLers or YAMLers.
Further, the / is reserved within URNs and thus would need to
be escaped no?

| urn:duri:2001:
| urn:tdb:20010814142327:file://|/temp/test.txt
| urn:tdb:2001:data:,The%2520US%2520president

Also, the date is the least important part (this can be removed
from the proposal).  I'm just looking for something which allows
for absolute http uris (with fragments) to be used excepting "http"
is replaced by something else so that the unique identifier can
be used without bringing along the http semantics.  Lastly, since
http occurs within urn:duri:2002:, this
doesn't solve my "urn without semantics" issue since the http is
still there.



Clark C. Evans                   Axista, Inc.            800.926.5525
XCOLLA Collaborative Project Management Software