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Re: Problem of blocking ICMP packets

2004-05-09 19:01:29
Dean Anderson;

I recommend that, to avoid long initial delay and intermediate
lack of communication after path changes of, PMTUD should turnd
off by default and should be activated only on extreme

Just the opposite, unless you want to lose connectivity with a number of 
web servers that want to send big packets with DF turned on.

There were (still are?) number of web servers that wanted to send
big packets with DF turned on, because PMTUD was turned on on the
servers but ICMP errors were filtered.

A number of commercial
products and applications do rely on PMTU to work, and will do an PATH MTU 
discovery, and send the MTU sized packets with DF (don't frag).

and send packets larger than MTU expecting to receive ICMP
errors in vain.

Read the original mail of the thread on the reality.

This is the first I have heard that path mtu discovery software was

PMTUD software is unreliable!?

Then, it is anther reason to avoid it.

Can you tell me who said it with an appropriate reference?

                                                Masataka Ohta

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