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RE: Consensus? #746 Section 3.4 - IAOC decision making

2004-12-22 06:25:12
Harald responds to Scott:
Scott suggested that:

I think it must be made clear that all IAOC decision making involves
all IAOC members then in office - not just a subset that might show up
at a meeting or on a phone call

maybe add: "All IAOC decision making includes all IAOC members then in

My reading of the discussion is that there is no support for making such a 
requirement (too many corner cases with absent members), and that writing 
detailed rules on IAOC decision making into the BCP is a Bad Idea.

However, the idea of IAOC *having* such decision rules seems good.
Suggested resolution:

Add after the first section of 3.4:

  The IAOC decides further details about its decision-making rules.
  These rules will be made public.


WFM (Works For Me)


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