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Re: EARLY submission deadline - Fact or Fiction?

2005-11-30 08:39:06
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 10:07:27AM -0500, Gray, Eric allegedly wrote:
      Making your - admittedly optimistic - assumption and following 
it to a conclusion leads me to suspect that many (possibly most) WG
meetings would likely be subject to last-minute cancellation if all
remaining issues are resolved immediately before the meetings.

You're even more optimistic than I am.  Essentially every WG has
problems that are not resolved by e-mail (and are rarely resolved even
in person).  I wouldn't expect any change in who meets, just in the
meeting logistics.  Those that are free of these problems need never
meet in person.

      And don't for a minute think that Employers would fail to note
that issues got resolved prior to a trip to Iceland but not before a
similar meeting in Hawaii.

:-).  There you go, another criterion for venue selection.


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