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Re: [Techspec] RFC Author Count and IPR

2006-05-25 08:22:00
(several  lists deleted)

--On Thursday, 25 May, 2006 10:44 +0200 Harald Alvestrand
<harald(_at_)alvestrand(_dot_)no> wrote:

The Last Call on draft-rfc-editor-author-lists was issued on
May 20, 2002, and the IESG approved that document on August
27, 2002, according to the tracker:

On Jan 3, 2005, it was marked "dead" based on the fact that
the text had been incorporated into the 2223bis draft.
So it's been almost 4 years since IETF consensus was declared
for this policy.

Since, as I understand it, completion and publication of 2223bis
has been put on indefinite hold, is it time to dust off
draft-rfc-editor-author-lists and publish it?

Also, since we have a last call on the IPOD/ION draft in effect,
could you, Harald, walk us quickly through how you would see
this situation being untangled, or handled in a more clear way,
were the ION series in effect?  Would the content of
draft-rfc-editor-author-lists fall into that series?  Would


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