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Re: terminology proposal: NAT+PT

2007-11-14 11:21:47

--On 14. november 2007 07:46 -0500 RJ Atkinson <rja(_at_)extremenetworks(_dot_)com> wrote:

NAT, NAPT, and NAT-PT have been used for some while now to refer
to various sorts of address/port translation within an IPv4-only

Recently, there has been some discussion of network address with
IPv6::IPv4 protocol translation.  Some have referred to that as
NAT-PT also, which can be confusing to some.

I'd like to suggest that when talking about the concept of
translating protocol versions (IPv6 <-> IPv4) in addition
to, or instead of, altering port number or IP address, we
use the short-hand notation "NAT+PT".

Why not just keep the name "NAT-PT" for "NAT-Protocol Translation"?

I've never seen a v4-v4 NAT designated with an acronym with a dash in it.


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