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Re: Should the RFC Editor publish an RFC in less than 2 months?

2007-11-28 17:31:46
John C Klensin wrote:

Of course, if an appeal is actually filed, it would
be sensible to hold publication until it is resolved.


That would be two months, plus another two months after
the decision if an appeal was filed and its resolution
was unsatisfactory - after all the IESG checks its own
approval, it should be unusual that the first round has
any other effect than an "are you sure ?" question for
very simple problems.

I don't see any possible reason why we need to give
people two months to get an appeal filed: a month or,
at most, six weeks ought to be more than sufficient.

Now with Brian's procdoc ION six weeks might be enough.

It took me longer without it to find RFC 3710 and its
"incompatibility" with RFC 2418 more than 3 years ago.


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