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Re: RIM patents a URN (and ignores IETF IPR rules)

2009-11-19 03:17:21
Cullen Jennings wrote:

I'd like to draw peoples attention to the IPR disclosure


The associated patent seems to be

Let me point out Mr. Allen is an author of both and a long time participant in IETF. Seems the 00 draft was from Oct 2006, the patent filed Jun 2005, and it seems we are just getting the IPR disclosure now.
I didn't have the time to study the patent/IPR disclosure yet. but ...
Given there are many ways to solve this sort of problem, and many of them are less likely to be IPR encumbered, I'd consider the possibility that the IESG should send this to the DISPATCH WG to see if they want to work on finding an appropriate solution to it. What do other people think the IESG should do with this draft?
Speaking as an individual participant: I would like for something like this to be standardized. Using DISPATCH WG what to do here seems like a fine idea.
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