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Re: Wikis for RFCs

2011-09-20 10:43:15
On 9/19/11 10:14 AM, Alejandro Acosta wrote:

I think that if some people support the idea, they can easily create a
wiki somewhere (e.g., "") and get to work. 

On Sep 16, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:

Wikipedia is about the only example of working volunteer moderation, and even 
then, there are cabals that supported by the paid management. Few, if any, of 
the unmanaged wiki sites have long-lasting value.

Is there any reason we can't create this on wikipedia itself, e.g.:

We can make use of all the wikipedia governance mechanisms.  It would be 
independent of the IETF, but it would be a well-known place to go for 
somewhat-moderated explication of the nuances of important RFC's.  -- Nathaniel
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