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Re: Virtual Water Coolers

2011-10-28 04:04:21
On Wed Oct 26 17:30:04 2011, John C Klensin wrote:
As others have pointed out, that doesn't solve the "water
cooler" problem.  It would probably require some rethinking of
how we handle BOFs, WG creation, and other tasks.

Creating a virtual water cooler is possible - XMPP chatrooms do provide this pretty well - but there's a cultural shift required that requires effort to put into place.

I think we could probably get this going to some degree if we [for any value of we] simply stated that we'd hang about in the relevent chatrooms. For me (being a woolly apps kind of guy) that'd presumably be hallway(_at_)jabber(_dot_)ietf(_dot_)org and apparea(_at_)jabber(_dot_)ietf(_dot_)org - I note there's even people in the latter.

Any reasonable XMPP client will include support for automatically joining chatrooms. For anyone here interested, it's "Bookmarks" - XEP-0048, typically stored in XEP-0049, for which you'll need server-side support - GTalk won't quite cut it, I'm afraid.

These things need a critical mass - a solid group of regulars in the chatroom who're willing to basically hang around and chat - but it's possible, and - I think - worthwhile whatever we do. So I've just bookmarked said rooms with auto-join to see what happens.

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave(_at_)cridland(_dot_)net - 
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