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Re: Affirmation of the Modern Global Standards Paradigm

2012-08-15 11:10:16
On Aug 15, 2012, at 3:41 PM, John E Drake wrote:

JD:  To what purpose?  As an aside, I get the 'feel-good' aspect, but is 
there anything more?

When RFC 1984 was published, I was serving as IAB Chair and found myself invited
here and there to give talks to men in suits. Since crypto policy was a very hot
topic, it proved extremely useful to have a policy document to cite rather than
an audio recording of the Danbury plenary. Whether RFC 1984 had a significant
effect on the evolution of crypto policy is another matter, of course, but it
was a useful tool for the debate.

I think this Affirmation will be a good tool for the ongoing debate about 
policy. As another thread has made clear, if that debate went badly, life for 
IETF could become very unpleasant.


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