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Re: [88attendees] Anti-harassment policy and ombudsperson

2013-11-04 19:16:10
We are writing to thank the IESG and others who were involved for establishing 
an anti-harassment policy for the IETF. We support the policy, the IESG's 
authority to issue such a policy, and the creation of the ombudsperson role. 
Having a confidant with whom to discuss harassment will be most welcome and it 
is our hope that by establishing this policy, incidents of harassment at IETF 
meetings will be reduced in the future.

CJ Aronson
Mary Barnes
Alissa Cooper
Avri Doria
Nalini Elkins
Janet Gunn
Merike Kaeo
Mirjam Kuehne
Allison Mankin
Ines Robles
Marie-Jose Montpetit
Kathleen Moriarty
Karen O'Donoghue
Radia Perlman
Eve Schooler
Larissa Shapiro
Melinda Shore
Lynn St. Amour
Tina Tsou
Suzanne Woolf
Xiaoqing Zhu

On Nov 3, 2013, at 2:22 PM, IETF Chair <chair(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org> wrote:

As has been previously discussed, the IESG is setting up an anti-harassment 
policy for the IETF. I would like to thank everyone for feedback. We have 
today adopted an IESG Statement on the matter as follows:

In the near future we will proceed to select and train ombudsperson(s) as 
confidential initial contact points for situations where there is a concern. 
In the meantime, Linda Klieforth from ISOC HR department is attending IETF-88 
in Vancouver. She has kindly promised to act as a temporary ombudsperson 
during the meeting, should concerns arise. She can be reached at 
klieforth(_at_)isoc(_dot_)org. Thank you, Linda!

The policy will be reviewed once sufficient experience on its use has been 

Jari Arkko for the IESG

88attendees mailing list

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