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Re: Suggested changes to draft-moonesamy-ietf-conduct-3184bis-04

2013-12-15 14:56:05
On 12/15/2013 12:38 PM, S Moonesamy wrote:

There was a discussion with the (sponsoring) Area Director and document
shepherd about the Introduction section of
draft-moonesamy-ietf-conduct-3184bis-04 [1].  The following change is

     The work of the IETF relies on cooperation among a diverse range of
     people, ideas, and communication styles.  The IETF strives, through
     the guidelines for conduct, to create and maintain an environment
     in which every person is treated with dignity, decency, and respect.
     People who participate in the IETF are expected to behave in a
     professional manner as we work together to develop interoperable
     technologies for the Internet.  All IETF participants aim to abide by
     these guidelines as we build consensus in person and through email
     discussions.  If conflicts arise they are resolved according to the
     procedures outlined in RFC 2026 [RFC2026].


Small suggestion is to add (rough), so that a casual reader won't miss that our version of consensus does not mean unanimity.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking