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Re: Adept Encryption: Was: [saag] DANE should be more prominent (Re: Review of: Opportunistic Security -03 preview for comment)

2014-08-21 11:15:18
On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:35:26AM -0400, Stephen Kent wrote:

Near as I can tell there are no remaining substantive objections to
Viktor's draft, only ones related to wordsmithing, writing style, and
the name we'll give to this concept.  All of these are a flavor of
bikeshedding.  We should stop arguing about such things, make just one
more small effort to adjust Viktor's prose, and publish.

I agree that we seem to have settled on a small set of design principles.


I continue to disagree with your assertion that clear, concise wording
is a not an important aspect of this task.

Whether the -03 was adequate, or inadequate, I agree that much of
the proposed text in the abstract and introduction is an improvement,
... Thanks a lot for the text!

[ Wish it were XML, and not extracted from "Word" and sent as HTML,
but that's something I managed to get past with help from lynx and
Perl... ]

I'm working on integrating the improved bits, but keeping more of
the original *content* in place (reworked).  In deleting the
"Pattern" section and compressing the "Principles" section, too
much was lost in the proposed revision.  So that's where my efforts
will be spent, recreating that content with more clarity and less

Still working on it, ...


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