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Re: Substantial nomcom procedure updates (Was: Re: Consolidating BCP 10 (Operation of the NomCom))

2014-09-17 14:59:36
On Wednesday, September 17, 2014, Stewart Bryant wrote:

 On 17/09/2014 14:55, Abdussalam Baryun wrote:

But (as Mike seems to
    > imply) if we put in rules to make this impossible, we'd be even
    > from "each eligible volunteer is equally likely to be selected."
    > So this does need clarity of intent, one way or the other.

    Make it max 1 per company.

 Max 1 per company per country.


The economy is global, companies are global.

The aim was diversity for nomcom.  The country factor is not important if
the nomcom members are global persons (or have multinationalities). Each
member volunteering will not have same effort as others, because it depends
on their home/work location even if they are in same job/company. I
recommend making that effort an equal volunteering cost, so we can have
a global IETF effort per nomcom work per member. It may attract more
interest in the rule per country.

People in our community are identified by countries/nationality, and even
if companies are global but they still have locations, they have to follow
their offices location country's market/industry/policy. Each company has
head offices which are located some where that has the biggest market and
their board members indicate its global representation. Yes IETF has no
location and is global (different than the global companies, because it
is locationless and profitless), but its selected nomcom members
may/should give us some indication of such global consideration.

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