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Re: Call for comment: <draft-iab-doi-04.txt> (Assigning Digital Object Identifiers to RFCs)

2015-07-06 09:11:33
On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 4:07 AM, Leif Johansson <leifj(_at_)mnt(_dot_)se> wrote:

4 jul 2015 kl. 23:49 skrev Randy Bush <randy(_at_)psg(_dot_)com>:

there are a number of people in the community who have very specific
expertise in some relevant areas but who don't follow rfc-interest or
who have stopped doing so.

that is their choice.  but when one votes with one's feet, one kinda
relinquishes the right to ex post facto second-guess those who stay



I think John's point is that in the IETF we usually do not interpret lack
of feedback as passive approval but rather lack of any review.

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