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Re: Old Errata

2016-09-12 05:31:33

I always considered that the "ping" was precisely the errata report.

Regards, Benoît

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Stephen Farrell <stephen(_dot_)farrell(_at_)cs(_dot_)tcd(_dot_)ie>
Date: 12/09/2016 12:16 (GMT+01:00)
To: Loa Andersson <loa(_at_)pi(_dot_)nu>, Yoav Nir 
<ynir(_dot_)ietf(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com>, IETF Discussion Mailing List 
Subject: Re: Old Errata

On 12/09/16 10:56, Loa Andersson wrote:

The ADs might have to point to someone to resolve the (oldest) errata.
Or errata that belong to closed wg's.

FWIW, for my WGs, I follow the practice of handling any
errata for which someone shows interest. So if there're
any that need to be processed, then please ping me, and/or
a relevant mailing list and I'll take action. If, OTOH,
nobody is interested, then that is also true of me:-)

While other ADs may be more proactive than me, I think
it's true that if pinged, ADs will generally take action.


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