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Re: Why are we here? What are our goals?

2004-01-30 00:25:29

On Jan 29, 2004, at 5:56 PM, Paul Lambert wrote:

Anonymous mail is a valuable service that should be provided by this
effort and not designed away in our fervor to eliminate spam.

  -- support for anonymous transport and anonymous headers

disagree strongly. If you want to design a next generation list server that anonymizes addresses, that's great. If you want the underlying transport layer to anonymize the transfer of email from one site to another, you have usenet. no thanks. Part of the reason we're in the trouble we have today is we can't authenticate and authorize (different things!) a piece of email and its source. If you allow anonymity to wander into this process, you simply create the next hole they're going to jump through.

The server to server communications need to be trustable. if you want a system that lives on top of that (say, a MLM) that accepts an identification, obfuscates it, and redistributes that message with the reputation of the MLM instead of the original poster, that's great. That's a transfer of reputation, not a removal of one, and you won't build a system that can stop the spammer unless there's an audit trail of identity (and/or reputation) unbroken to the source.