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Re: a few short notes

2004-02-03 10:02:38

On Feb 3, 2004, at 8:02 AM, James Craig Burley wrote:

Seriously, dude, get over yourself.  English is the "lingua franca" of
the Internet;

Well, it is on English-language mailing lists like this, that's for sure. Funny about that.

I'm going to make a wild guess and say that most of the people making these arguments don't speak an asian-pacific language, have never sent an e-mail in it, don't know many (if any) people who are native japanese or chinese speakers, haven't really researched what's going on over there, and are, basically, shooting from the hip.

And are horribly wrong in their worldview. What I find interesting is that at least some of them seem to be english second language europeans who ought to know better, given that their native language support issues are subsets of the larger problem. ohwell.

I'm just going to say I'm very disappointed in the tunnel vision I'm seeing here and shut up, since I expect that's enough to get yelled at anyway, but the arguments about english-centric are both wrong and destructive to this process, if your goal is to actually get this thing accepted as a standard in our global universe here on the internet.

(The fact that English is my native language is irrelevant.

No, it's not. Not at all. But the fact that this mailing list was built english-only both speaks to our underlying attitudes and excludes from this discussion those who are in the best position to explain why this discussion is wrong, because they don't use english and they don't use a roman language set.

and that sort of makes these kinds of decisions self-fulfilling prophecies.

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