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Re: a few short notes

2004-02-03 06:23:50

At 11:18 03/02/2004, Paul Robinson wrote:
> If we allow non-latin characters in e-mail addresses,
> we should put into the standard that all e-mail addresses
> which contain non-latin characters MUST also contain
> a version of the same e-mail address which is in only
> latin characters (just like the business card with

Why? Why not insist that all e-mail addresses should be accompanied with a
chinese representation, or a russian address? What is so special about the
latin character set?

Every (?) computer keyboard supports latin characters. At least, more computer keyboards support latin characters than support chinese or russian characters

I'd say that almost every person who uses a computer (at least all administrators) can type latin characters - whether or not they can read/write English. What you want is an email address representation which can be typed in by anyone, even someone who doesn't understand its language. They don't have to a have an English name to have an email address, it could be a hex/base64 encoding of their chinese name

Paul                            VPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

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