
Re: A few setup questions

2003-09-22 14:48:44
On September 22, 2003 at 16:15, Mike Bailey wrote:

1.  Currently on the list index page the user has the ability to see 
the raw mbox file.  Is there a template or something I can edit that 
will remove this option?  I know I can change the url but that would 
simply break the links.  If possible I would like to not have the mbox 
option display on those index pages.

If you want to completely disable access to raw mail data, you
can specify the No-Raw-Link option in lists.def for each archive

  No-Raw-Link: 1

This will disable the printing of raw mailbox links in the top index
page and it will remove the "Original" link from message pages.  It
will also create an (Apache) .htaccess file in $MBOX_DIR/<archive-name>
to disallow web access.

2.  The lists are broken down into months but we'd like to have them 
broken down into days or weeks.  Is this a possibility?  We have a 
couple lists that typically get 3000+ messages a month and making it 
more granular would be ideal.

Currently, mharc does not support weekly or daily periods.  I have
not decided on the filenaming nomenclature to use for such periods.
Suggestions are welcome.

3.  Is there a place that HTML template files are stored so that the 
overall look and functionality of the mharc archives can be changed?  
Or is this all done through the css files?

See <>.

Also, and not currently documented, you can customize the appearance
of each list archive separately by creating a MHonArc resource under
$MHA_RC_DIR (see called <archive-name>.mrc.  For example,
if you have the following in lists.def:

  Name: mhonarc-users
  Description: MHonArc Users
  Address: mhonarc-users(_at_)mhonarc(_dot_)org
  No-Raw-Link: 1

I can create the file $MHA_RC_DIR/mhonarc-users.mrc to provide
customizations that only apply to the mhonarc-users archive.
The MHonArc-Options: option in lists.def can also be used to specify
additional command-line options to mhonarc for an archive.

BTW, all lists.def options are documented in the mk-procmailrc
manual page.

4.  The mharc user lists has a [Info] link on the list index page.  Do 
I need to simply add a variable to the lists.def file to get this on 
our list index page?

You create a file called <archive-name>.html in $INFO_DIR (see


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