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Re: MH 6.8.4 on Linux

1996-02-19 16:11:02
David Paigen <paigen(_at_)forte(_dot_)org> writes:
Agreed.  And another beef, sending mail is the resposibility of the
MTA, not the MUA.  MH should not try to speak SMTP accross the net,
only to the local MTA.  I suspect that there is a lot of deadwood
in the code tree that is no longer used, or is used by less than 5%
of the MH community.

Ted Nolan SRI Ft Gordon 
<ted(_at_)ags(_dot_)ga(_dot_)erg(_dot_)sri(_dot_)com> writes:
Ack! No!  I always set up MH across all our machines to post to a
sendmail on a central server.  Don't make me run sendmail

How does MH deliver mail today?  Does it use /bin/mail, pipe into
sendmail, or talk SMTP directly to an MTA?

What it _should_ do, is talk SMTP directly to an MTA.  That would
remove dependencies on particular programs, and ease the portability
across OS'es.  Also, from the client side, SMTP deserves the

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