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Re: problem w/ make install on MacOS X 10.1.5

2002-06-22 09:28:32
      ls -l install

If there is a zero-length file named "install" in the main nmh
directory (there shouldn't be)

      rm install
      make install

If the file isn't zero length, you might want to investigate before
removing it.

I've figured it out (I think -- I need to start from scratch to be sure).

ls doesn't list "install", but "ls -l install" does. 

The problem is that Apple's HFS+ file system, which is the default and 
best-supported fs at the moment, is case preserving yet case insensitive.

Thus, the INSTALL doc looks just the same to make as "install". Renaming 
it to README.INSTALL lets me run make install.

That gave me a few install errors, but I forgot to sudo it. I'll start 
over, rename the INSTALL doc, and -- hopefully -- report my success.


Jon Stewart

"and dropping a barbell, he points to the sky, saying 'the sun's not 
yellow, it's chicken.'"

                        -- Bob Dylan

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