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problem w/ make install on MacOS X 10.1.5

2002-06-22 00:42:04

I'm a Unix moron (hence the use of MacOS X), and I can't seem to get
nmh-1.0.4 to install on my system. Make claims that the install target is
up to date. (Also, config couldn't guess the host, so I specified
powerpc-apple-machten5.5, which -- except for the part about not
installing -- seemed to work.)

Here's what I did (after reading INSTALL and MACHINES):

% ./configure --host=powerpc-apple-machten5.5 --enable-debug \

...configuring, blah blah...

% make

...making, blah blah...

% make install
make: `install' is up to date.

I found this odd, searched around my fs, and couldn't find any evidence of 
nmh having been installed.

Any clues?

I'd be happy to provide make and config's output if necessary. If this is 
a known issue and I'm being annoying, please tell me to buzz off. I'm just 
messing around on a home system.

Btw: nmh rocks. Outlook and every other mua feel like toys.

Jon Stewart

"and dropping a barbell, he points to the sky, saying 'the sun's not 
yellow, it's chicken.'"

                        -- Bob Dylan

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