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Re: problem w/ make install on MacOS X 10.1.5

2002-06-22 10:14:36
On June 21, 2002 at 11:58, "Jon Stewart" wrote:

I'm a Unix moron (hence the use of MacOS X), and I can't seem to get
nmh-1.0.4 to install on my system. Make claims that the install target is
up to date. (Also, config couldn't guess the host, so I specified
powerpc-apple-machten5.5, which -- except for the part about not
installing -- seemed to work.)

Here's what I did (after reading INSTALL and MACHINES):

% ./configure --host=powerpc-apple-machten5.5 --enable-debug \

...configuring, blah blah...

% make

...making, blah blah...

% make install
make: `install' is up to date.

Is MacOS X filenames case-insensitive?  If so, make could be checking
the file INSTALL when invoking the 'install' target.

You could try adding the following at the top of Makefile,

.PHONY: install

and rerun 'make install'.

It would probably be worthwhile to have .PHONY defined within the
nmh makefiles for all targets that are not associated with a specific


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