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Re: [Nmh-workers] Responding to calendar requests

2013-04-24 13:53:16
Ken Hornstein writes:
... What I'm really wondering about is
the user interface issues.  In other words, is the user interface you're
imaging something like this? (message 100 contains our message with the
calendar entry):

% mhlist 100
% mhstore -part <N> -file /tmp/foo.in.ics
% awk -f icsprog.accept /tmp/foo.ics.in > /tmp/foo.ics.out
% repl 100
in draft 100, insert:
#text/calendar; method=REPLY; charset=utf-8 /tmp/foo.ics.out
Run mhbuild/send.

I mean, yeah, that would work; that's sorta what I did.  But ... it
kinda sucks, doesn't it?  Shouldn't we do better?

For my purposes, it suffices to take the original .ics file and run it
into a filter that generates a reply message to the ORGANIZER with the
proper ical MIME attachment and sends it along.  So it's

% mhstore [to some file]
% calreply.pl [that file]
Send reply about 'Planning Meeting' to 
Person"). RSVP was not requested.  Confirm?  y

I have tinkered a bit with the idea of having an MH-flavored interface
for storing/showing/creating icalendar event and todo items (for no
good reason, I have been using the xcal XML format, RFC 6321, for
this).  Too-close integration of calendar and mail functions has the
danger of spawning horrors like Outlook, I think; but my thoughts on
the matter are still pretty half-baked, I admit.

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