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Re: [Nmh-workers] Help: dist is not working for me

2016-11-14 11:47:24
But I would like to humbly suggest a new man page, something like nmh-advice.
It would contain a lot of advice which, right now is scattered over
hundreds of Emails. It would, over the years, grow gradually. It
would it be preferable to burdening already burdened existing
man pages.

I hear you, and I understand where you're coming from ... I mean, some
of these MH configurations have been sitting around for decades, literally.
As things have changed (hopefully for the better) it's hard to sometimes
know about the new stuff; this is a problem we've been struggling with
for a while.

But your problem was a bit interesting - at first, it was mail disappearing.
Drilling down to the "real" reason was a bit of a stretch.

I have thought about writing an nmh-intro(8) man page to lay out the basic
configuration steps for a new setup.  How to configure your email address,
how to send and receive email, those kind of things.

I want to make absolutely sure that I understand you. You are suggesting
that, having put the line

  Local-Mailbox: norm(_at_)dad(_dot_)org

into my ~/.mh_profile

I change every occurrence of "norm(_at_)dad(_dot_)org" to "%(localmbox)".

_In your various component files_, yes.  Before you send a draft you can
see if it worked properly.

That way if you ever change your email address, you can change it in
just one place.


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