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Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh should be more careful about when it unlinks draft files

2017-01-02 11:23:19
There was time for me to go to the kitchen, pour me a drink, come back
and 'ohhh.  What's this on my screen?', so plenty to time for something
to munge things beneath me.  Alas.  I was hoping that a smarter send could
understand that the hassle involved in removing an unwanted draft is minor,
and so cautiuously bump the draft number for subsequent messages so that
there was no chance of reusing the draft number if it ever detected a
problem, or, alternatively making an emergency backup from outside the
draft sequence altogether.  Too hard?

AFAIK, this is what is supposed to happen (and does, in my experience).
Nothing in nmh deletes the draft; as Ralph pointed out, it always
renames the draft, so 42 becomes ,42, no matter what your rmmproc does.
If send fails, 42 is left around and the next time you run repl/comp,
you should get 43.  So I'm really at a loss as to what happened here.

It would be interesting to make sure that in your drafts folder there
exist a bunch of old messages with backup prefix.


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