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Re: [nmh-workers] post 1.71 ug: "long line"/single newline paragraphs

2018-05-26 18:08:30
Ralph wrote:

Hi Anthony,

How do I disable this behavior

Possibly by nobbling nmh-access-url in an mhn.defaults, e.g. /etc/nmh,

Or, add these to your profile:

nmh-access-ftp: echo ^[[31\;1mSuppressed loading of
nmh-access-url: echo ^[[31\;1mSuppressed loading of

The ANSI control sequences aren't necessary, they just red bold the
output.  The ^[ pair must be replaced by ASCII ESC.

and why does nmh have it turned ON by default!?

I don't know.  History, probably.
We used to assume everyone played nice.

nmh-access-{ftp,url} were added less than 4 years ago.  Ken, should we
revisit?  I don't have strong feelings, the only messages I've received
that use it are from you and Ralph.



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