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Re: [nmh-workers] Reply to Ralph Corderoy

2019-04-21 11:26:32
Ah, great minds do settle into the same groove. :))  as you must have
noted from my last message.

env | grep MTS returns nothing, under either wilson or root.

Oh oh, I'm embarrassed.  /etc/nmh/mts.conf, owned by root, has mod 600.
I changed it to 644, and removed the -server option from the send
line in .mh_profile-----and send works.

My mistake basically was after originally editing mts.conf as su
I didn't change the permissions so wilson could read it.

Please forgive me for overlooking that.  I am very grateful for your
help (may hope to have it again).


On Sun, April 21, 2019 9:05 am, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi Stewart,

I did your optioned send below, except I used -port 2525 and it went!


What now? send -snoop -mts smtp -server mail.eskimo.com -port 2525
Trying to connect to "mail.eskimo.com" ...
Connecting to
<= 220 mail.eskimo.com ESMTP Postfix


<= 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 2ECD314461D

Great.  So you need to edit your ~/.mh_profile to change send's -port
back to 2525, as it was when you started.  You mentioned Verizon being a
problem in the past, and it looks like it still it, blocking your port 25
connection to Eskimo. https://www.eskimo.com/support/mail/mail-settings/
says they support 2525 to workaround this.

Once you've done that, you should find a plain

send -snoop

fails because it tries to connect to localhost's port 2525, but a

send -snoop -server mail.eskimo.com

works.  If so, then /etc/nmh/mts.conf's `servers' entry isn't being
obeyed.  Either it isn't being read, or its getting trumped by something

Does `env | grep MTS' show anything?  There are two environment
variables, MHMTSCONF and MHMTSUSERCONF, that can alter whence the mts.conf
settings are gathered.

Cheers, Ralph.


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