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Re: mhbuild: extraneous information in message

2021-05-12 04:10:05
Hi Steven,

Recently I've been seeing this message when sending email with an
attached .mp3 file:

   mhbuild: extraneous information in message /home/smw/Mail/drafts/1's 
Content-Type: field

I've appended the Fcc copy of a typical message, in which the Content-Type:
field for the attachment is

   Content-Type: audio/mpegapplication; name="session2.mp3"

The complaint about ‘/octet-stream’ coupled with the trailing
‘application’ after ‘audio/mpeg’ looks like two things are being
combined, e.g. ‘audio/mpeg application/octet-stream’.

- How do you attach the MP3 file?
- How does mhbuild get run, in case it's important, e.g. do you type
  ‘mime’ at whatnow(1)?
- Can we see a draft before mhbuild gets run?
- What does ‘file -i’ give on the MP3 file?
- What's ‘folder -version’ yield?

Cheers, Ralph.

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