
Re: Localized PODs

2003-01-29 11:00:00
On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 11:42:33AM -0500, Kevin Meltzer wrote:
I like this idea. Of course, this means module authors will also have
to create and maintain multiple PODs :-) Should h2xs be patched to
create stub files for alternate languages/encodings.. something like:

h2xs -<your normal switches> -l zh_TW,Big5 Foo::Bar

That's a very good idea.

Which would create Foo/Bar.zh_TW.pod and Foo/Bar.Big5.pod?

mm, no, the idea is zh_TW is all that's needed.  Big5 is merely its
encoding; it can be declared in POD like:

        =for encoding big5

        =head1 ...

The patch enabling this is already sent to Sean Burke.

So since I happen to use zh_TW.UTF-8 as the locale, perldoc would
DWIM and convert its data on the fly.

This would at least encourage people to do this. I would, though, get
nervous that if I was seeing the Big5 POD, and it wasn't kept up to
date, I would be missing info contained in  the 'default' POD. 

That's certainly true.  However that should not forbid people to do
this; anybody that waits the 'default' POD should either set their
locale to 'en' (which is, by default, the official language of perl
documentations), or use 'perldoc -L en' to explicitly request for it.


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