
Re: xgettext and parameter reordering

2003-10-06 10:12:55
?b 筝\x80, 2003-10-06 14:33, Guido Flohr ?g?D?G
I don't think that this is an option because will also 
double the backslash in the original string (like "xgettext --lang=C" 
which doesn't know that a dollar sign has to be escaped in double-quoted 
Perl strings).

Hi.  I would like to get improvement suggestions without being summarily
rejected. :-)  The fact that it handles \$ incorrectly was that no
applications that currently uses has \$ in their strings,
not some design decision that can't be fixed.

With that said, once the standard xgettext support perl reasonably
(preferably with [_1]), I'm happy to retire and replace it
with xmaketext or something else, to avoid confusion.
