
Re: Picu: Perl wrappers for ICU

2000-12-15 07:45:20

Thanks, will (re)try it...when I find the time.  Maybe over the holidays...

If you have problems, the ICU "general" mailing list is probably your best 

However, I would be happy to help you directly especially if I have a 
configuration that matches yours. 

Apologies to everyone who knows all about ICU, but I'd like to say why I think 
it is important to incorporate ICU in Perl:

I would really like to see Perl [optionally] use ICU for encoding conversions. 
Conversions are in general way harder than most people think they are. Even 
Unicode->something single byte isn't so easy. Inexperienced implementors often 
neglect many->one mappings. Encodings used on the web in the Far East are quite 
tricky to implement well.

[Optionally] incorporating ICU for locale-related operations would be a major 
step forward as well - not only to improve functionality but also security. But 
I'd be happy for now with conversions.

=Ed Batutis

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