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Re: audience for a procmail book?

1996-03-15 20:02:52
Bob Weissman wrote

I wouldn't buy it.  Probably most of the folks on this mailing list
wouldn't buy it; we're the procmail cognoscenti.

Most of the *regular posters* on this list, maybe.  That's a handful
of people.  I do some middling-advanced stuff with procmail and smartlist,
but I also recognize that there's lots more it can do that I don't
understand.  I might buy it, if the price/pocket money ratio was right.

Except of course that I have this list to learn from.  ;)

But this list always has a lot of people that are on the list precisely
because they're trying to figure out more about procmail ... the perfect
target for such a book.

And Nancy, you're counting system administrators?  I'm one.
But the audience is much wider than that.  Yes, the user can't get full
advantage from procmail unless the sysadmin installs it.  But when it's
installed, it's the user who has to write their own .procmailrc, the
sysadmin people are sure as hell not going to want to do it for them.

But yes, definitely include a section on users installing it for themselves.

| Andy Rowan                                     |
| Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis |
| Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ USA       |
| e-mail: rowan(_at_)ocean(_dot_)rutgers(_dot_)edu                |
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