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Re: piping to a web directory

1996-12-27 16:47:32
Regarding the helpful suggestion of:
     >Date: Wed, 25 Dec 96 18:06:49 +0100
     >From: Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer(_at_)pasteur(_dot_)fr>
     >To: "Brett 'Benny' Schlank" 
     >Subject: Re: piping to a web directory 

I edited my rc.testing to create both a new folder and a new set of files with 
the UMASK set to 000. Strangely enough, instead of permissions of rwe,rwe,rwe, 
the new test files & folders ended up with permissions of rw-,rw-,rwx.

Do you know why they didn't end up with 777, but, with 667?

I do not have my UMASK explicitly set in my csh -- default, when I touch
new files in the csh is they are created with permissions of rw-,r--,r--

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This will set the permissions (strangely enough to rw, rw, rwx) of the 
# new folder IN.testing when procmail creates it:
# UMASK=000
# :0
# * ^Subject:.*test
# IN.testing
# Or, if you decide to save to a file number 1, 2, 3, 4, etc:
# UMASK=000
# :0
# * ^Subject:.*test
# /tmp/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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