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Bozo filters II

1997-02-06 09:05:58
The recent discussion of bozo filters had me thinking about a more 
general method of file-based message rejection.  As it stands, all the 
methods posted here rely on some form of grep to match the address 
against a file.

This works fine, if the entire address is in the file, but I'm trying to 
figure out how to do *substring* based matching.  That is, if I have a 
reject file that contains:


And incoming mail from:

Biff Smith <biff(_at_)bighost(_dot_)bozo(_dot_)net>

Then I want both the messages from bob and biff to be processed by 
whatever passes for my rejection recipe (let's just say it sinks things 
to /dev/null).

My question is not "how do I do this?"; it's "how do I do this 
efficiently?"  I could always write a shell script that would look 
through each line in the reject file, and do a "echo $FROM | grep $line" 
for each line in the file:


FROM=`formail -zx "From:"`

# loop until we (a) find a match, or (b) finish proccessing the bozofile
while read line; do
        echo $FROM | grep $line > /dev/null 2>&1 && exit 0
done < $BOZOFILE
exit 1

# end of script

However, this strikes me as being inefficient, and I like my procmail 
recipes to be as self contained as possible (i.e., I prefer not to depend 
on shell scripts for processing).

Any thoughts?

-- Lars

Lars Kellogg-Stedman * lars(_at_)bu(_dot_)edu * (617)353-8277
Office of Information Technology, Boston University